Tuesday, January 23, 2018


I've made up my mind. I've always had a diary that I'd write into every now and then because you know, when you're someone who had just so much to say 24 hours isn't enough. So I've decided to treat this blog as a sort of diary. Not really because there are things I would keep to myself so.hmm perhaps a journal? Something that I can look back on knowing that everything I post here is something that has been filtered. In a sense its a toned down version of my diary because a diary isn't a diary unless you pour out some tsunami of emotions you know. All I'm saying I won't be posting anything out of anger , foul language or anything sappy. Okay sappy is allowed. I love sappy. Who doesn't right? It's always good to be a little sensitive once in a blue moon. Gosh my writings are so bad. I mean I need to read a lot more. Improve my vocab.
Oh well.
Too late.
Posting this.

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